The Muse


[she's my canvas , paintbrush is my words] 

Is it because I see Mona Lisa when I look at you ?
is it because of my cheesy jokes that you show me your cute childhood eyes ?
Or maybe is it when I look into those same eyes ,
I see the universe aligning ,
telling me that the stars have spoken ,
fate has decided , that you guys are soulmates.
Is it during those last hours of the morning , when I lay in my bed craving your touch deeply and your presence ?
Is it because you are contagious in many ways than you taste ?
Is it because words fall out of me , like blood when you cut me deep the first time I loved you ?
Is it because you never knew love could be
so genuine ,
so gentle,
so true ,
polite ,
Soft like your lips , when I remind you about physical love.
I dont know what it is , but I do know that there's something that sparks excruciatingly bright inside.  It makes me want to dive into your oceans ,
fly with you amongst the stars ,
hide in caves ,
cry with the rain.
I know that you are YOU.
You are the greatest you I've come across.
Even when your hair is messy and you cranky to when you stunningly loook like a voluptuous lady. You.
That's what it is.
It's you. 


  1. Read this piece about 3 times. The last 13 lines? Man. I love this piece🥺

    1. You know coming from you , i dont take this lightly 🥺🥺

  2. Beautifully articulated, do profound ♥️


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