[ How trying to be myself was seen as a threat to the comfort of others ] 

Let's walk across the carpet: 

I could've never expected the unexpected. 

I could've never expected my confidence to feel like I was on the red carpet. 

Looking as fine as a man can be. 

I wore my confidence , with the biggest smile.


My confidence when I walked into the room ,

Was met by people who misunderstood me , 

People who assumed I had arrogance on , as my cologne of the night. 

They turned heads and threw faces , 

not because it smelt good but because intimidation was blocking their smell. 

I could've never expected the unexpected.

When that same room put me at a higher pedestal , 

seated in a chair that was considered hot. 

Every conversation felt like an interrogation , 

People wanting to know more about my so called arrogance instead of what my character was made of. 

Women played competition to hold my arm , to be seen with what was , a man of class. 

Men trying to befriend me , to gain access to my resources or what they call , using me. 


I could've never expected the unexpected.

When I exited that room , I walked out as the same man I came in as. 

Because I realised , not today nor tomorrow , will we ever be the same , 

Souls that used my arrogance as a mirror to measure their reflections. 

I walked away knowing that , knowing myself was the sharpest weapon I could carry.

All I need to do is find a red carpet. 



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